Thursday, January 22, 2009

back to square one

well well well,time does fly...its already 2009 and i thought i would stay young forever..but loooks like 30 is not far away..its looking at me straight,in the if my life wasnt deppressing enough...rite now i am almost a vagabond,no address,no landlord,no rent to pay...u can say i am in transit n i somehow dont like this state i am in...god knows how many houses,new, old ,smelly,dilapidated..i have come across..its funny how the houses in delhi are in flat with two bedrooms will be like a train compartment..once you enter,u keep going through the two rooms till u find yourself in a small square patch of a room with kitchen n vain have i looked for houses with separate bedroom,good bathrooms but no,its the most difficult evasive thing in delhi...most of the bathrooms r so dirty,u immediately know that its them boys!!they dont keep houses clean n their mothers are to blame...too much mollycuddling n u have all these yellow walled smelly bathrooms with dirty rooms..ewwwwww!!!!girls do know how to keep a house clean,even tho i cant keep a maid,i still clean it whenever i get time even if i aint in the mood cuz no nobody likes household chores!!!
after such a long time i have become active in facebook..that too m still taking baby mnay applications n pokes n gifts n wat nots..i do like the wall though where u can write stuffs..its cool..noreen is in states now.married n two best frens r engaged..looking forward to barney ko wedding...wahhhh!!!!m sad...
neways i just lost the mood to write so will prolly write wen i have time next..ta

Monday, January 14, 2008

well well i cant believe i ahve away for so long...neways my life is the same except i got more useless clothes,love delhi more,cant get enuff of fashionnnn...okay its crap talk..m gonna come back..tata

Saturday, February 24, 2007

no titlre please blog seriously needs a revamp..i was reading my frens brothers blog and compared to his,mine looks so kindergarten..guess my style is that would also mean i am still learning...with my moods,m lucky all this junk gets written at all..
right now the greatest need of the hour is that i get a house ASAP.brfore this month ends..plan to take a day off to house hunt tomorrow..god knows if can survive through the torture of checkinbg out such horrendous houses with heavy price tags...the rents are exhorbitant...its plain chetaing but then its either the shitty houses or the park(a tent would come handy) i envision a day of biting sun and smelly houses and lazy body..i wish myself all the luck in the world...
j called.still at his sisters place.i was thinkin of taking three days leave to visit him in kathmandu..but then hes going to phiding this plan mite not just not work out.will keep it in the the things to do list(among the ten other lists that dont disappear at all)
the weather here is fine now...just a few more days of bliss and then misery....
well the other day in kl i was watching a chinese soap..the actors are so stylish..the men all had long bangs and the women straight hair but can be boring at times....i watched a lot of korean movies recently..mostly popcorn variety..."my lil bride" tho comes top of my list of bestest ones...very cute,makes u wish u were ten years younger and married!!!moon.g was travellin to hongkong n she chose china airlines..she was excited after seeing so many oopaas..our code for cute korean boys!!so we have duly advised her to catch hold of an ooopas soon.we didnt make it but she can..with our love and
ciao for now...

Friday, February 09, 2007


my gawd wat a long day at work...since 9:30 i have been up and running legs aching like mad...
while surfing the net,i saw this peice of news and i was shocked to know that anna nicole smith died on thursday..where was i all this time?i guess i have been working non stop...not that i am a big fan but then death is a leveller..i am feeling sad that she died...the abrupt end...
well j has finally reached nepal wat with all the strike happening in the terai and stopping his work...we spoke for half an hour ..not like we used to talk wen he was in darjeeling...for hours we would talk abt even when we last burped...
well tomorrow m flying to dubai..uff...tahts gonna be another killing flight..that too with the full bar service...
hmmthats all for head aches...d is watching vivah...a shitty flick..bye

Thursday, February 08, 2007

moving on

it seems people are always moving in and out of one place or the other...deshek left first,then tenjam and now kams's moving on to it has been a year of goodbyes and promises to keep in touch..
well we are also another house that is..the house is yet to be found due to laziness and the work that keeps getting in the am worried that we mite not get the type we want...its so darn difficult to get a decent apartment in delhi...the brokers are there just to burn a hole in your pocket...but then u cannot avoid them so u just let them burn your pocket anyways...
it rained a few days back and the weather is much cooler now ...a bit glooomy too..reminds me of is still foggy there i heard...
well j is leaving for nepal soon..hope things work out fine.the strike is such a nuisance...
this month my financial status seems to be at zero...they cut a huge chunk of my salary for some raeson and i will know why only when i have time to go to the office..uff..wat a headche...tut tut
well i have to call the broker and check the availability of houses or we mite be out on the streets..ta...

Sunday, January 21, 2007

trust me

hello here comes the sun tudu dudu..
it was a sunshiny day with clear blue skies..from the verandah i could see the planes whizzing by which only fuelled my disatisfaction my friend says thats my office in the sky..another word would be "hell freezeth over in the sky"
singapore was a big be precise the rains came and my plans to traipse along the orchard road remained just a dream..i did make a feeble attempt ..all in my new summer jacket with its cute buttons and my stovepipes sans umbrella...i could not find any so after getting a bit of wetting session,i lost and slunked my way upto my room on the fourth it was back to the few measly chinese soaps on tv and sleeping on the feathery give into all the above mentioned gracefully seemed like a good idea..
my flight was to say the least horrible in all its aspects..the indian passengers are a part of this huge family of satan's.they all have voracious appetites and will eat anything that can be eaten..anything...liberal helpings of coke,fanta,whiskey..u name it...manners just disappear the moment they step on the aircraft..all hells angels seated,strapped ,ready to make my life hell for five long hours...if i had a gun,i would just shoot them one by one and the pleasure i know will be ecstatic...
so obviously i need a day to recuperate ,to get my wits back.though i doubt it will happen anytime soon...
winter is moving away slowly for a short period of balmy days before the painful summer summer wardrobe must be thought of clearly this more squeeze me tight pants..m thinking more of layers in white ,grey..which reminds me, grey is my best color is so classic and chic.
my body has taken a beating form all the ciggies and junk i have been piling on for the last few time to start with,i am cutting down on overheated food,less of sugar,more of water and fruits and in time....i have no sense of timing...check...
hmm..ama says darjeeling is freezing..i can only imagine..brrrrrr...guess m better off here except i wish that we were together...
neways more later..i must eat and be strong
kyun aaj kal neend kam, kwab jyada hai?
ta...21st jan,07
well guess wat?like damn fools all four of us got in the autorickshaw and headed to pvr ssket to catch the last show of the departed...apparently there was a misprint in the timings so we reahed at 11:25pm some twelve hours late ...after braving the chilly winds,we just ambled along the half closed shops...we did buy some momos that came in such weird shapes..a first for me in the whole of momo history...well we came back home...and now am sitting here listening to janis joplin...sleep calls me and i am gonna fall right here..
my j called and talked for sometime...miss him terribly...soon we shall meet...that day the angels shall blow their trumpets high and loud..i wll be deaf with happiness
gnite my daling...sleep well...time to call in a night...c ya is naother day and i shall c u when u come...muah!!!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

a sunny day

hello again
i am sure u didnt expect me at all..because of u i have left my faithful journal of years.i used to be a regular at writing but of late i beg to differ...lazy..i hate to embarrassing.i think the only notable feature in me will be this me
hit the bed at 8 in the morning when the whole world was waking up to a busy day full of agenda..get a solid 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep...i got that...very thankful
........bebot bebot bebot..philipino...this song is frm the black eyed of them does look like a philipino..i think he is one..very "lets get up n dance song"!!!
well my days are so short..that means that m inching my weary steps to 30.owwww....the nights r still long can get so much done in a nite.clean the closet,chat,surf the net,read stuffs,magazines,smoke like a to my friends..complain how unfair the whole world is..the haves n the have nots...i count myself among the ones in between...
few days i met my good frens from school on my way back to delhi frm bkk..she knocked my socks off.of all the places in the world..talked abt her life in australia...was good to catch up on things.its nice to know that some people dont change..
the cold in delhi is making an honourable exit..m glad its not overstaying..good for u..come next year..
mista sun is already making his presence felt..the day was full of his shit in the with a chill in my heart ,i say hello to him every morning..summer will be a killer...
been watching a lot of big boss..rakhi is a sight for sore eyes..but sometimes i marvel at her brazeness ...she can be crude most of the time but one has to accept takes all kinds of people to make this hell on earth..
my flight got back very late end to a very long 2 days flight with this bitch of a senior...shes nuts man!!!she drove us up the wall...still attractive but then i wonder how her family tolerate her?is this how the inmates at big boss feel about rakhi?its easy for me to like rakhi from where i am sitting comfortably sipping my strong tea...hmm..
that tash just came in so now mona our incorrigible maid is flashing before my eyes n my pressure is rising .the bitch is gonna get the axe tomorrow..well we finally caugfht her stealing one of tash's ballerina shoes..a gift from her guy..we all see the past we have been losing our things around the house,well the truth is mona our southindian thief has been setting up a house neatly with our stuffs...stealing is bad..its a sin..
my cousins behaved badly with my ama ...i am so angry after all that my ama has done to them..gave them so much love..this is what she gets in return..i told her not to keep in touch anymore...good riddance to bad rubbish...
my dad is going on saturday to look at another prospective house..who knows?
my j is in much work for him there..buried neck deep in all that shit.wish i could help but then all i can do is sit here n give him my unending support.
okay m gonna stop here...pooh's flown to the giraffe world where a certain person called v resides...gnite